Efest LUC V6 LCD & USB 6 Bay Multi-Functional Battery Charger


The Efest LUC V6 6-Bay MultiCharger is an updated model that has revolutionized the world of smart chargers and batteries with its new LCD indicator screen. 

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SKU: CHGR-EFST-LUCV6-SMPL-6018 Category:


The Efest LUC V6 LCD & USB 6 Bay Multi-Functional Battery Charger is capable of charging up to six batteries at once – extremely helpful for those inevitable times when you discover that several of your batteries are simultaneously low on power. The springs and tabs holding the batteries in place are made of stainless steel and are guaranteed not to split, crack, or fracture, even after heavy and frequent use. Each slot is equipped with its own screen that oversees the charge of each battery. The Efest smart charger even shows each battery’s individual voltage and charging current. Simply insert a rechargeable cell into a bay to use the device. This is a highly intelligent charger which is capable of detecting chemistry and voltage and selecting the appropriate charging method.

  • 6 bay battery charger
  • This device can charge 18650s, 20700s, 21700s, and 26650s
  • This device is for customers with several batteries to charge.


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